Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Random Something or Other #3

Holy cow-where did the last 7 days go?  You'll hopefully be happy to know that I did finally get my laundry done...well, to be accurate, my uber-amazing husband finished the laundry sometime over the weekend because I was way too busy and the kids were running around in their skivvies.  But that washer-load I was sitting on?  Totally finished that one...

This is what I did today...

I'm joining White House Black Shutters in her "40 Bags in 40 Days" de-cluttering challenge and took my first LARGE donation to the thrift store today.  It's not to late to join us, the challenge officially starts on Wednesday.  You can track my daily progress on Instagram-the pictures can only get better after you've seen my mismatched feet!  Speaking of Instagram,

This was my favorite pic this week...
I got to see my favorite author live in person at RootsTech on Saturday. Are you curious who it was?

These are the posts I'm working on...

~The pictures & review of our trip to the Ice Castle (Breathtaking!)
~My latest furniture projects
~The lessons I learned at RootsTech
~An introduction to the craziest "endurance" race you've ever seen!

What's your random something for today?