Monday, December 23, 2013

Sanity for Mom, A Treat for the Kids: Kidoodle.TV (sponsored post)

I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV.
 I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

If your house is like mine, the next week is going to just be plum crazy.  Preparations, celebrating, entertaining, cleaning up and then probably doing it all again.  I try to avoid getting to annoyed with the kids during times like these, but sometimes all you can do is look for a way to keep them distracted and quiet while your hands are busy wringing, wrapping, and baking. This holiday season Kidoodle.TV has been the source of my sanity...

Let me tell you up front the reason I love this new service: With a parental passcode, I set up an account for each of my kids with the shows I think are appropriate or that they will like.  Then when they sit down to watch, they choose their profile and I don't have to worry at all about what they're watching while I'm busy someplace else in the house.  

Want a few minute breather with your kids in the coming days?  Here are some tips to get you started:
  • You can set profiles for up to 5 kids. 
  • Shows can be filtered by age, making it easy to choose appropriate entertainment for all ages
  • There is no advertising after you are logged in, so no chance kids will accidentally click on anything 
  • HUGE variety of shows:  My kids' favorites have been Sonic Underground, Monster Math Squad, and Zoo Babies.

(Free trial through December 2013) 

Try Kidoodle.TV for FREE and enter by December 31, 2013 to win 1 of 10 tablets or 1 of 10 Kidoodle.TV year-long subscriptions!

To enter, sign up for your free trial and follow the on-screen directions

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