Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#Kids Buckle Up Giveaway

Somehow my husband and I did it right when our oldest was very young, to convince him his seatbelt was of the utmost importance.  We never leave the driveway before he's buckled, or he lets us know!  Today I'm teaming up Safercar.gov to share an important message about buckling up,..

We have a yonger song that gets distracted very quickly and could probably sit with us all waiting on him in the driveway for half an hour before he remembers, "Oh, we're going somewhere.  I need my seatbelt."  

In the state of Utah, children are required to be in a booster seat until they are 8.  My oldest informed me the other day that even though he's turning 8 he wants to stay in his booster because he can see out the window better, and that is perfectly okay with me!  

While this infographic does not yet apply to me, I know it will apply to many of you and is important to share...we as parents can sometimes put our foot down on some really simple issues.  We need to make sure we're not letting it come back on the really important ones...

As an encouragement for parents, and in attempt to raise awareness for the #KidsBuckleUp campaign, I invite you to enter the giveaway below and share the message in any way you can!